Marriage is a tradition done all over the world that many couples follow. It is basically a commitment between two lovers who choose to stay together for the rest of their lives. In Belgium, we get married for the law first and this is usually followed by a ceremony in church or a slightly more personal ceremony in a hall. Attached to this rather grand tradition, there are some small traditions that we follow in Belgium.

Throwing rice
One of the fun traditions during a wedding, is when the bride and groom step outside after the wedding ceremony and the guests throw rice. It is an old custom done to wish fertility to the bridal couple. Unfortunately, the civil registry, venue owner or the church do not appreciate it as they used to because rice can attract rats or pigeons. Therefore, flower petals or soap bubbles are sometimes used as an alternative.
Decorated house
Another tradition done is to decorate the bride and groom's house. This is often done by their friends who can get very creative at these times. For instance, containers of beer are often stacked in front of the doors so they cannot enter, paper shreds are strewn and a banner is hung. It immediately creates an initial challenge for the newlyweds.

Les lacs du Connemara
A very well-known, rather Flemish tradition done at a wedding is to play the French chanson "Les lacs du Connemara". This involves everyone taking their handkerchief or napkin in their hand and starting to wave it in the air. The whole room joins in and it immediately creates a good atmosphere during the party. It is true that the song is also played at other times but it can hardly be missing at a wedding party.